In my recent quest for personal growth and spiritual evolution, I embarked on the transformative journey of the Rose Priestess Path and Initiation. Guided by the energies of Mother Mary, Lady Nada, and Mary Magdalene, I delved into the realms of the White, Pink, and Red Rose Paths. This sacred journey allowed me to clear limiting beliefs, upgrade my energetic frequency, and align with the profound shifts happening within the 5D Earth grid matrix. As a result, I not only experienced personal healing and growth but also felt called to share these energy upgrades and healing with my clients.
The Rose Priestess Path and Initiation demanded inner work, resilience, and emotional purging. I was tested along the way, but each challenge served to strengthen my connection to my path and purpose. One of the core aspects of this journey involved uncovering and healing shadows and sexual blocks within myself and my ancestral lineage. By addressing these deep-seated wounds, I was able to make peace with my past and foster healthier relationships.
Additionally, this initiation allowed me to heal my inner child wounds and traumas, creating space for profound heart-opening and the reception of love. It provided a transformative opportunity to balance and heal the divine feminine and masculine energies within my soul, fostering a harmonious integration of power and nurturing qualities.
Throughout the journey, I underwent upgrades in my heart, crown, and womb, aligning myself with the frequencies of the Holy Sophia and activating my divine feminine essence. This process not only anchored and activated my sacred feminine power but also unveiled my purpose, creativity, and destiny.
To support my journey and facilitate the healing and activations, I employed crystal gridding techniques. The power of crystals played a significant role in enhancing the energetic vibrations and creating a sacred space for transformation.
If you feel a deep calling within your soul to embark on the Rose Priestess Path and Initiation, I invite you to connect with me. This month-long journey offers a profound opportunity for healing, activation, and alignment with your divine feminine essence. The online healing and activations will guide you through the White, Pink, and Red Rose Paths, empowering you to heal shadows, ancestral blocks, inner child wounds, and sorrow while upgrading your heart, womb, and being.
For a limited time, I am offering the White Rose Priestess journey completely free for those who sign up for the full White, Pink, and Red Rose Priestess path and journey.
Listen to the calling of your soul and embrace this transformative experience. Together, let us uncover our true essence and step into the fullness of our sacred feminine power, purpose, creativity, and destiny.